Growing up in a rational family and as a mathematician, emotions were alien to me.
Only the dancing, the rhythmic movements to the music, the time together with other people on the dance floor reminded me again that it's not just about performance and the material, but much more about me, the feeling I feel and with share with my fellow man.
In the beginning it was anything but easy: Every day I was confronted with situations with my family and within the dance world that triggered me strongly. I wanted to change something. Now it is very easy to look for the fault in others. What I have learned from my own experience: you cannot change others, only yourself and how you react to situations.
Even if we don't remember everything in our past, our subconscious does not forget anything and stores all experiences in the body and every experience is associated with an emotion. And if we experience a similar situation again, our subconscious reports back and we react completely differently than we actually want. It's easy to overreact or freeze in fear and then withdraw. Precisely because we have never processed past experiences and the emotions associated with them.
With the help of my coaches and mentors, I was able to heal my body and mind from emotional wounds from the past.
Through engaging my entire body in dance, I immediately felt the positive effects: my body became lighter and more agile, my dance skills gained greater expression, and I learned much faster. However, it also had a significant impact on all other areas of my life: I was generally more content, healthier, and more successful. My life felt lighter, my mind freer. I nurtured more beautiful relationships with those around me. By allowing myself to experience and heal my emotional wounds, I could establish a deep connection with myself, and consequently, with others.
Neuro-Resonance Practitioner
after the teaching coach,
Deny Scharnweaver
Media consultant
6 months , 2022
Group workshops
1 on 1 coaching
Since 2021